REALWITH The Podcast

77. Trendy or Truth? "It" girl, "that" girl & the winter arc

Emma Compagna Season 4 Episode 77

Dropping this on the Taurus Full Moon feels extra juicy! This episode of Trendy or Truth brings forth a fun yet potent conversation around the viral trends we have all seen showcasing what it means + what it takes to be "that girl" as well as the most recent trend we are seeing called the winter arc.

We Dive Into:

  • The pros & cons to trends going viral on social media
  • How to take what serves you & leave the rest
  • How to partake in trending challenges, but with love > fear
  • Why creating change slowly is the key to success
  • Overconsumption, dressing for your astrology
  • Aligning with the energy of winter for optimal healing & expansion
  • & so much more!

Plus, we circle back to Community Real-Talk, where you can share your own stories for the upcoming “How Are You Really?” episode, or send in questions for Emma, Elizabeth, and Emma's husband, Casey, to answer in their upcoming episode. As always, we’re diving into the complexities of love, relationships, and communication— be a part of it when you submit your stories and questions here!

Stay connected with Emma here.

Connect with Elizabeth here.

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